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Emma L. Dyrda nee Panozzo - 97

9/26/1919 - 10/4/2016

Longtime Hazel Crest Resident

 Emma L. Dyrda nee Panozzo, age 97, Longtime Hazel Crest resident. Wife of the late John Dyrda. Mother of Marilynn (Edward) Enright and Phyllis (Bruce Petrovich) Dyrda. Grandmother of Jim and Robert Enright. Great grandmother of Robin Enright and Great great grandmother of Logan Enright. Sister of late Mary Panozzo, Angeline Bzdyl, Ann Mancuso, Lena Fazzini, Louis Panozzo, John Panozzo, Matthew Panozzo and Anthony Panozzo. Resting at Panozzo Bros. Funeral Home, 530 W. 14th St. (U.S. Rt. 30, 3 blks E. of Western Ave.), Chicago Heights on Friday October 7th from 9:00 AM until time of funeral service at 12:00 PM.  Entombment Assumption Cemetery, Glenwood.  708-481-9230 or


Friday October 7, 2016 9:00 am until 12:00 Noon


Friday October 7, 2016 12:00 Noon Panozzo Bros. Funeral Home

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