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Jane O. McGrath - 82

New Buffalo, Michigan

Jane O. McGrath nee O’Connor. Age 82. New Buffalo, Michigan resident, formerly of Flossmoor and Chicago’s Beverly/Mt Greenwood Neighborhood. Graduate of St Sabina Catholic Grammar School. She attended St Xavier High School graduating from Mother McAuley High School. Wife for 61 years of Timothy G. McGrath. Mother of John (Tammy) McGrath, Timothy G. McGrath II, Molly (James) Murphy, Terry (Cathy) McGrath, Michael (Kelly) McGrath, and Janie (David) Koehler. Grandmother of Michael, Joseph, Timothy, Natalie and Jason McGrath, Malachy, Rose and Salvatore Murphy, Adain, Jack, Ryan, Michael Ben, Ellie, Matthew (Mollee) McGrath, Henry and William Koehler. Daughter of the late Helen nee O’Grady and John H. O’Connor. Sister of Noreen (Phillip) McGee. Daughter in-law of the late Colette nee Freistroffer and George McGrath. Aunt to many nieces and nephews. Friend of many.  Resting at Panozzo Bros. Funeral Home, 530 West 14th Street (US Rt 30, 3 blks E of Western Ave), Chicago Heights on Friday March 15, 2024 from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Funeral Saturday March 16, 2024 9:45 am from funeral home to St Veronica (formerly Infant Jesus of Prague Church), Flossmoor. Mass 10:30 am. Private interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Alsip. In lieu of flowers, memorials in Jane’s name to The Dune’s Fellowship House, 211 East 6th Street, Michigan City, IN, 46360 would be appreciated by the McGrath family.  Info 708-481-9230 and

Jane truly never met a stranger. Her bright blue eyes and warm smile drew people to her and began many a “chat.” Jane shared endless stories with her sister Noreen (McGee), remembering their beloved father and indomitable mother, Sts. Sabina and Barnabas, and their colorful cast of Irish relatives. 

She loved her family fiercely and took very seriously her vocation of wife and mother.  She carefully cultivated her homes and her appearance to that of elegance, grace and style.  She took her friendships very seriously, belonging to two ladies’ luncheon groups. Her last luncheon was her 70th birthday luncheon celebrated on her 68th ~ just in case.  She was practical and pragmatic. And although she suffered no fools, she found profound value in all on her path.

She will be greatly missed by her husband of 61 years, Timothy G. McGrath, making him laugh to the very end.  Her children will miss her profound presence even when confined to a wheelchair with almost no ability to speak. For her grandchildren, in her prime, she would have four birthday parties per year ~ whichever grandchild’s birthday fell int that quarter would be feted with endless snacks, delicious dinners, decadent desserts and the exact right, carefully chosen gift.

She took immense pride in earning her 50-year coin from AA.  She, courageously and religiously attended three meetings per week, then two……then one.  When asked why, after so many years she continued to go to meetings she said, “What if someone new comes in looking for help and no one is there? I have to be there, like someone was for me.”

Chin-up and shoulders back, Mom. We love you!!  You knew well where you are headed…..ENJOY!!!!


  • Butch

    on 03/13/24

    Since I met Jane while wearing Big Tim's robe in the winter of 1978 after falling into Butterfield messing around with Tim, she welcomed me as part of her family. I will never forget the love and care that she gave me throughout my entire life including adulthood. There was never a moment that I didn't know that Jane had a kind word and a prayer for me and my family. I loved her, along with every member of her family, like my own. I will always think fondly of her sitting in her chair with a matronly grace unlike anyone else I have ever known. I am sad that she is gone, but I know that she is sitting in heaven and no longer suffering from physical pain. London broil and liver sausage dip with the angels! I love you Jane! 

  • Marla Walsh

    on 03/13/24

    My life was enriched having Jane as my friend!  My warmest condolences to Tim and their amazing family.

  • Judy wallig

    on 03/13/24

    Jane, i met u a little over a year ago.  My sister and i would see you every Wednesday morning for 2 hours a day. We enjoyed your sense if humor loved seeing you smile. Was funny eveyrime you would yell at TIm. Show me the money! We all would life. Im going to miss bringing you a treat :) and will miss seeing you. You fly high with those angels  and everyone once in a while throw down a penny and I will hear you say SHOW ME THE MONEY !! Rest in Peace

  • Have Hope

    on 03/14/24

    ‘Tis a fearful thing
    to love what death can touch.

    A fearful thing
    to love, to hope, to dream, to be –

    to be,
    And oh, to lose.

    A thing for fools, this,

    And a holy thing,

    a holy thing
    to love.

    For your life has lived in me,
    your laugh once lifted me,
    your word was gift to me.

    To remember this brings painful joy.

    ‘Tis a human thing, love,
    a holy thing, to love
    what death has touched.”

    ― Judah Halevi

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